Sunday, May 4, 2008

Cedar Creek finished!

I finished the Cedar Creek Socks late yesterday.  Just for giggles, I closed the toes two different ways.  Thought it might be good to have as a sample if someone was interested in comparing the look of different finishing techniques.  Who knows??

Before going to Williams Sonoma for our "Mother's Day Brunch Class," we had breakfast at Green Street.  Many yummy things were sampled on an already full stomach.  

I am sharpening up my pointy stick to do war later this week with several hundred (as many as a thousand if rumor is true) other sock knitters.  Yes, it is Sock Wars III!  Not quite sure what the kick off time is going to be, but the date our dossiers will be emailed is the 9th.  We will receive our victims details (sock size) and address.  Speed will determine the victor.  Surviving the first round will be a miracle as I am not a fast Knitter.

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