Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Unraveledgal Unravels

Yes, I am not enamored with the Noro sock yarn. As you can see, the Jaywalkers that I started with the Noro sock yarn (that I ran down to buy) have been undone. That project is back in the sock yarn tub. The yarn was not fun to knit with-I found it to be very scratchy stuff. Even though I have been told that it softens up after washing, life is too short to invest any more time.

I ran into a snag on the sleeves of the Patrick Sweater project. Shortly after the cuffs, there is an error in the pattern (a missing k4). Also, the way it is written is too complicated for my intermediate skill level to follow. A chart would really be helpful here. So, Knitdad to the rescue. I hope that he will not have to report for jury duty this Friday so I can continue with the sleeves then.

If I can get to the store early today and can find a #2, 40+ inch circular, I will cast on some nicer yarn to do 2 socks on 1 circular. That should keep me busy until the sleeve problem is solved.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Don't worry mom, the mail fairy left your spindle safe at my house a couple of days ago - with something inside! Sorry about the sock yarn fiasco